
Flows and Circuit Covers in Signed Graphs

2018-12-07 16:00

报告人: 范更华 【 福州大学】


时间: 2018-12-07 16:00-17:00

地点: 卫津路校区6号楼108教

开始时间: 2018-12-07 16:00-17:00






 福州大学 教授


 A signed graph G is a graph associated with a mapping
σ: E( G) →{+1, −1}. Signed graphs can be used to present surface duals of digraphs embedded in non-orientable surfaces. A signed graph is coverable if each edge is contained in some signed circuit. The edges of a signed circuit in a signed graph corresponds a minimal dependent set in the signed graphic matroid. An oriented signed graph (bidirected graph) has a nowhere-zero integer flow if and only if it is coverable. A signed circuit cover of G is a collection of signed circuits which covers all the edges of G. Signed circuit covers is a new topic drawing attention in recent years. In this talk, we give a brief survey of known results and open problems on signed circuit covers of signed graphs.

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