

2019-05-30 00:01
  Core Subjects   Elective Subjects

Major Features
The major for undergraduates in School of Mathematics is Mathematics and Applied Mathematics that has been confirm as the featured major of higher education by the Ministry of Education in 2007 owing to its advantageous vocational development and adaptability. This major not only pays attention to the training of mathematical quality, but also emphasizes the education and practice in Mathematical Calculation and Application, Mathematical Modeling and Optimization, Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics etc. School of Mathematics has developed a complete set of education system including undergraduate education, graduate education and post-graduate education. The education directions include Fundamental Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics. In particular, School of Mathematics has abundant qualified teachers and rich teaching experience in Combinatorics, Probability Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Partial Differential Equations.
Education Objectives
School of Mathematics aims to train the high-level professionals who can engage in theoretical study, actual teaching and practical application development in the fields of science and technology, education, economics and management. The school pays more attention to the systematical training of the mathematical thinking method and computer programming skills, and makes efforts to enable students to have strong abilities for mathematical analyzing and modeling. In order to enable students to have the research capabilities, the school also encourages students to take an active part in the research projects.
Exchange Abroad
In order to provide a more diversified learning environment for students, the School of Mathematics has established partnerships with a number of first-class universities abroad for a long time, such as the University of Manchester, Texas A & M University, Loughborough University and University of Waterloo etc. Each year, the proportion of students who participate in overseas exchange learning accounts for nearly 20% of the total number.

Core Subjects
Course Title in Chinese Course Title in English Credit Contact Hours Semester
数学分析 Mathematical Analysis  17 272 1、2、3
解析几何 Analytic geometry 3 48 1
计算机语言 Computer language 3.5 48 2
高等代数 Advanced Algebra 10 160 1、2
实变函数 Functions of Real Variable 4 64 4
复变函数 Functions of One Complex Variable 4 64 4
泛函分析 Functional Analysis 4 64 5
抽象代数 Abstract Algebra 4 64 3
拓扑学 Topology 4 64 3
微分几何 Differential Geometry 4 64 5
离散数学 Discrete Mathematics 4 64 5
常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 4 64 3
偏微分方程 Partial Differential Equation 4 64 5
概率论 Probability Theory 4 64 5
数理统计 Mathematical statistics 3 48 6
计算机语言实习 Practice of  Computer Language 4 100 * 5
生产实习 Production Practice 2 40 * 7
计算实习 Computing practice 2.5 50 * 7
统计计算实习 Statistical practice 2 32 * 6
数学实验 Mathematics Experiment 1 32 * 6

Elective Subjects
Course Title in Chinese Course Title in English Credit Contact Hours Semester
几何与拓扑I Geometry and Topology I 4 64 5
数学分析专题A、B Selected Topics on Mathematical Analysis A、B 4 64 1、2
高等代数专题A、B Topics of Elementary Algebra 4 64 1、2
数学模型 Mathematical Model 3 48 4
数论选讲 Topics on number theory 3 48 4
组合数学 Combinatorics 3 48 4
最优化理论与方法 Optimization theory and methods 3 48 6
专业英语 Specialty English 2 32 5
测度论 Measure Theory 3 48 4
计算机数据结构 Computer Data Structure 3.5 48+16 * 4
Matlab软件 Matlab software 1.5 16+16 * 5
数值分析 Numerical Analysis 4.5 64+16 * 6
线性系统控制理论 Control theory for linear systems 3 48 6
数学的发展与创新 The development and innovation of mathematics 1 16 6

* Hours on Computer

Contact us

Add:bat·365(中国)唯一官方网站 -Mobile Lgoin Center,

        No. 135, Ya Guan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin, PRC 

Tel:022-60787827   Mail:math@tju.edu.cn